About a month ago I put in my notice with my full-time job at Sardis Media. I'll be officially going full-time freelance on Monday. Why a month's notice? Because I've been booked solid on shows. I've spent the past few weeks in Philadelphia, Seattle, Fort Lauderdale, Los Angeles and now here in Scottsdale. I don't get me wrong, I'm loving every minute of it. I've been so blessed to work with such amazing people for an incredibly thoughtful, supportive company.
Shortly after I return home, I jump right into Killing Poe. It's my first feature film and am DP-ing and Co-Producing it. The pace has definitely sped up in the last two months given a shoot date of July 6th. Many site checks and meetings help keep us on course and aligned in creative vision .I'm excited to push the budgetary and creative abilities of filmmaking as we're pulling all sorts of strings to bring in a stunning cast with stunning equipment and crew. I'm giddy that we'll be shooting on the Red Epic with Red glass. Camera tests and flowcharts are surely flowing. My intention is to take numerous photos while on set to later clue you in on our process and tricks on how we approach scenarios.
Backstage at the Seattle show.
I had one free night to go explore the city with my buddy Jordan.
When I'm in town, my nights are typically filled with camera tests and configurations.
"DP"ed and shot a short in between cities.
In Fort Lauderdale, I was averaging 2 hours on the steadicam a day for a week.
I've never slept so painfully well.
To see where I'm traveling, search #whereistimnow on Instagram
Here I determine a shots list for Killing Poe.

Here, Jordan Balderas (Camera Op) and I scout locations. This process involves detailed measurements of the rooms to help us produce blueprints that we send to our Lead Gaffer. Scouting locations assist in giving us an idea of how light moves through the rooms and at what time of day. We analyze circuits for G&E, where power boxes are located, if we need a generator, where we would place it. These site checks are vital to securing a seamless and fluid feature.

Nathan Jacobs (Director, Producer, Writer) and I discuss the look of a humorous children's reading scene.

Here I take detailed measurements and drawings of an apartment.

Nathan Jacobs and I discuss a dorm room scene.
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